Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our Little Angel..... um...... Lil' Devil.....

We thought we'd share a peek at how we spent our Halloween....
This is our second grandson, who is our son Joel's son. Mr. Cute Stuff up there is Jameson Ward Kennedy, AKA Bubba, Jamers, and Lil' Dude. As a result of our last-minute trip to Southern California for a family medical emergency, we got to see all four of our kids and our grandson at the same time. No small feat to accomplish that, let us tell you! Seeing Bubba in his Lil' Devil Halloween costume was the highlight of our day today.

We have enjoyed having some special family time together with Bob's parents, our girls, our son and his wife & son. And yet, on everyone's mind and heart is the failing heart of Bob's dad, and how to help him and mom as things proceed. One thing we've learned about in life: Enjoy every moment, and remember that the happy often accompanies the sad.

We had some plans in mind for Retreat's next month or so, but this trip has put all of that on the back burner. Right now, nothing is more important than family. We are trusting that our needs will be met as we help here with everything we can...