Wednesday, December 9, 2009

'As Seen On:'

Whenever we are lucky enough to have our products featured in a shop or mentioned on a blog, we add the link to our sidebar 'As Seen On' section. We hope this helps you easily see where Retreat has appeared or may still be available. On Monday, while enjoying a little 'down time', we were thrilled to find one of our tables serving up beautiful goods at

in Seattle's University Village shopping center. RG's owner Gillian bought it from us at August's Sand Point Market, and it's a great addition to the rustic & funky display fixture arsenal in this trend-setting Seattle home & garden store. We really love having such creative shop owners as clients, and we know their customers appreciate the unique style they seek out for their stores. When in Seattle, make sure you visit Ravenna Gardens!

If you are a shop owner searching for unique furnishings to use as display fixtures or to sell in your shop, please drop us a line at kennedy2design @ Let us tell you about our completely original designs, utilizing reclaimed & recycled materials to create unique new furnishings. We are always seeking representation in quality home, gift, garden, and vintage-style shops.