Not too bad for a couple'a old codgers, huh?! Debi Burton of Ormolulu snapped this shot of us. I just found it on her blog and, amazingly enough, liked it (I rarely ever like photos taken candidly) so I snagged it! The FABulous truck belongs to the equally fabulous Jeff & Liz of Seabold Vintage Market. Jeff was workin' on selling the truck, but it served as a darling prop for the show in the meantime!
Yes, those ARE heels I'm wearing. Very comfy slides with soft insoles. My poor sore feets had been in flats & tennies for weeks, and I was just feeling rebellious. Someone actually said to me 'You clean up pretty well, Deb!' when they saw me in heels!! Cracked me up. I just wish I had looked more like this when I was onstage Friday night, speaking to the assembled dealers about visual presentation....when I saw the photos Bob took of me 'in action' up there, I crawled under the table and nearly died. Note to self: Never speak after spending six hours huffin' & puffin' setting up our booth. It aint' pretty. My most sincere apologies to the crowd...