As the great philosopher Roseanne Roseannadanna said, "It's always somethin'. If it ain't one thing, it's another..." She was so right! And we mean that in a good way - there is always somethin' going on that is grabbing our attention, driving our imaginations, and inciting a riot of creative ideas. Our life is our business is our life and so on in a circle, and every part and parcel of it is our passion. We love how it entices us, draws us in, pulls us along to ever bigger & better things.....and OH! Are we excited! We can't wait for you to see what we have in store for you at our upcoming shows..... and we thank you for being with us on this amazing journey.
Monday, August 10, 2009
It's Always Somethin'...
As the great philosopher Roseanne Roseannadanna said, "It's always somethin'. If it ain't one thing, it's another..." She was so right! And we mean that in a good way - there is always somethin' going on that is grabbing our attention, driving our imaginations, and inciting a riot of creative ideas. Our life is our business is our life and so on in a circle, and every part and parcel of it is our passion. We love how it entices us, draws us in, pulls us along to ever bigger & better things.....and OH! Are we excited! We can't wait for you to see what we have in store for you at our upcoming shows..... and we thank you for being with us on this amazing journey.
Coming Attractions,
retreat brand image