Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A new vintage show in Seattle!

 Come Junk With Us
The Collection
A Vintage Inspired Flea Market

Friday March 5th
Early Bird Shopping from 5 pm - 8 pm
$10 entry
Gift bags for the first 30 people
Door prize drawings

Saturday March 6th 
8 am - 4 pm
$8 entry
Gift bags for the first 30 customers
Prize drawings every hour

Knights of Columbus Hall
Bothell-Everett Hwy
Bothell WA (just east of Seattle)
Cash Sale
Visit www.comejunkwithus.com for more information
AND a coupon for five dollar admission to the show!

You don't want to miss this amazing gathering of wonderful vendors with
FABulous treasures...plus great food, giveaways, swag bags... and more!  
{we'll be there shoppin'!}

You also don't want to miss THIS:
Farm Chicks Show Junk Junket!
Timi just announced some AWESOME perks
that you can only get as one of her Junk Bus Junk Queens,
{trust us, really incredible perks!}
so get your reservation in TODAY.