Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Few Changes...

We really love all of the wonderful friends we've made in this business!
(BTW, a request: please keep our friends in this photo in your thoughts & prayers...)

We have so many friends to share with you that our sidebar's blog link list was getting completely out of hand, and causing our blog to load very slowly - so we've moved it to post form. If you click on the link buttons in the sidebar, you'll be able to access a list of our favorite blogs & web sites - we've even categorized it to make it easier to find certain types of sites! We regret that Blogger hasn't yet made it possible to embed the RSS version of the blog link list into a post - it only works on the sidebar. So blog links in that post do not refresh with new activity.

We've also moved our As Seen On - Press / Photo Portfolio / Past Shows / 2010 Show Schedule link lists to post form and linked them to buttons on our sidebar for easier navigation.

In the weeks to come, we've got more changes, some additions, and a fresh look coming to Retreat.... stay tuned!

Image Credit: Kimberly Taylor Images from Mimi Charmante blog