Thursday, December 31, 2009

More of the Story...

I finally found a copy of Somerset Life, and there we are on page 12. WOW.

See our previous post for that news! We thought perhaps you'd like to hear the whole story behind the tent and the photo in the magazine...

The darling BarnHouse Boys invited us to participate in their Flea Market show last July. Amidst the buzzing preparations for it, they dropped the bombshell: Pre-show events were to include a CAMPING TENT COMPETITION. I believe my exact words in response to this announcement were 'Oh, we are SO all OVER that!'

It took all of one day for us to figure out what look we'd go for (a beach cabana), and then a massive structure began to rise in our backyard. We assembled our 20 X 20 party tent, and went to work. When all was said and done, it turned out like this: White and tan canvas, white furniture, two blow-up beds, countless pillows and chenille bedspreads, lanterns and candles, one of Bob's many BBQ's, one small Moroccan stove, AND a huge silver chandelier.

We thought it would be a great place to gather with friends while at the show, as well as being a perfect retreat to relax and sleep in. We were right - all during the show, while we were hard at work in the barn, curious and weary show attendees were sitting, lying, resting, relaxing, and otherwise enjoying our tent! (a pillow fight enused at one point.... I found evidence....)

One elderly couple commented to Bob (as he arrived there to fix our lunches on show day) that this was such a thoughtful thing for the show to have done - provided a resting spot for guests. ;0) It was at the back of the property, up a hill... but everyone made their way to it!
The other dealers at the show and photographer Robin Laws are the ones who nicknamed it 'the Taj Ma Tent' and 'Tent Ma Hal'... in my own defense, here's why it was so over the top: These are THE BOYS. Everything they DO is over the top. Add to that their slyly veiled comments about THE QUEEN, Cindy of Tarte, bringing an actual CIRCUS TENT to this soiree. So I ask you, how was I supposed to show up with like, a Coleman tent? SO not going to happen. Deb has a competitive gene and loves a good party! (I'm still sad that through an unfortunate series of events, Cindy's tent did not materialize.) Bob put in his two theatrical cents, too: the chandelier lights up by way of a jump-start battery charger!
So, our big ol' tent helped us beat the heat (sort of), treat the Boys to a lovely dinner, and entertained a lot of people at the show. And now it's providing inspiration on the pages of Somerset! You'll see a version of it appear as the backdrop for our show booths in 2010, as well. We owe the Boys a debt of gratitude for spurring us on to acheive greater creative visions for their show AND for graciously including us in their 'Barn People' family. And a huge thank you to Robin for capturing our style in her poetic photos and sharing them with Somerset! (BTW, the mesh curtains looked so much more romantic when they were loose and flowing, but the wind kicked up and they tangled horribly... ergo the unromantic knots in them)

By the way, the funniest part of the story?
Our neighbors saw this monstrosity taking shape in our backyard on the third of July. We spent most of the Fourth fine tuning the details, then sat out in it with the lanterns & candles lit that night watching fireworks go off out over the sea. The next day, several of them came by to say how sad it was that we had to cancel our party. I'm sure we looked confused, because we heard from them that they watched as we sat alone out there, after doing all that work for a party. We just smiled and nodded, knowing that if we had tried to explain WHY we created this and what it was REALLY for, they'd never understand.... ;0) (And then we packed it all up and hauled it to Battle Ground!)

Image credits: Top: Somerset Life Magazine and Robin Laws. All others: DWK for Retreat, 2009.